Saturday, September 15, 2012

Travelling & Finding Treasures!

Finding Treasures When Travelling by Air

I am currently away travelling, visiting my father in BC Canada, and soon to be going on to Las Vegas for a short stay, before returning home.

Treasure hunting while on the road is a little easier when you have your own vehicle. Travelling by air presents weight and size issues to consider when uncovering those amazing items in new places. There is always the option of packing a box and mailing it home, but postage is high and you must consider whether the item(s) will be worth it and survive the journey.

I have been concentrating on jewellery, scarves, neckties, suspenders, small handbags, T Shirts, a doll, salt & pepper shakers, a mug and one or two plush.  There have been some items I've had to pass by, gritting my teeth the whole time!  Just too bulky & too heavy for a suitcase!

In Mission BC the weather is awesome, with clear blue skies and sunshine. It does get chilly at night, but soon warms up with the sunrise.  Best humidity!

Here is a sunset from my dad's balcony!

So far, my most mysterious find is this item.

Made of solid hard wood, with many knots, hand whittled or carved, and very old.  Smoothed from years of handling.

Is it a vintage billy club?  A wooden spindle for spinning yarn?  Some sort of pounding tool for grains?

Research is proving difficult!

I will check in with other finds and news as soon as I can!

Bear Hugs

Handy Links (just click)

Mandicrafts Bears and Collectibles Store

Mandicrafts Website

Coollectors Website

Treasure Hunters Blog

1 comment:

  1. You don´t give a size, but if it´s not longer than 10 to 14 cm it could be a bobbin for making bobbin lace.
